Welcome to the American Comparative Law Review HACLR. Founded in 2008 by Ohio State University students and academics, the American Comparative Law Review is Houmbolt Research's main legal publication counting nowadays more than 30 issues in international law, comparative law, human rights and technology.
Our law review Articles have been authored by leading scholars, law professors, outstanding PhD candidates, well-established international researchers, CEOs, and government officials from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, South Africa, India, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Argentine, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico.
Our latest issue (Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2024) includes Articles in AI regulation, generative AI design, human rights differentials and legal challenges for higher courts in the countries leading the AI revolution. Our new issue contains Houmbolt's case study and research report on AI integration and quatum technology integration. To order this edition, please send us email using our contacts form. We send mail anywhere around the globe.
American Comparative Law Review HACLR
YEAR XVII Volume 10 Issue 1 2024
AI International Regulation: A Comparative Study on EU, US, Canada, Japan, China, and Singapore Regulation Frameworks (2020 - 2024). By Jessica Hopkins & Shi Lang.
Beyond AI: Breaking the Quantum Shift. Humbolt Research Report. Directed by Andrew Ford Jr.
Ethical and Legal Concerns on Generative AI design: A Primer. By Edward Kennedy & Daniel Andrade.
The Privacy Dissident: Depicting Critical Differentials on AI's Upcoming Jurispruence (US, Canada, Australia). By Dagoberto Sampaio.

We prefer Artlces between 20,000 and 25,000 words and Notes between 10,000 and 15,000 words.
Submit your manuscrits electronically at: submissions@haclr.org. We encourage contributors to submit their pieces as Microsoft Word documents.
Footnotes must conform to the 21st edition of the Bluebook.
Articles, Notes, Research Reports
The division between these three forms of professional scholarship serves not merely to separate longer pieces from shorter ones, but also to encourage two distinct and complementary approaches to legal analysis. Articles devote substantial space to situating themselves within existing research, and often frame their arguments as comprehensive analyses of a given subject. Notes are often narrower in scope than Articles, but the subject matter is of general scholarly interest highlighting recent case law, literature review, or major scholarly contributions. Notes may further experiment with style, tone, and voice. The ultimate goal of a Note is to start a new and interesting scholarly conversation. Lastly, Research Reports are exclusively authored by HRC Indianpolis staff and faculty members. They are often research outcomes arising out of one of our research clusters. Research Reports are sent directly to our institutional partners and government clients. Some Research Reports are published in our law review, however.
Expedited Review
If an author has received an offer from another journal and wish to request expedited review, we will do our best to review the piece by the author's expedite request deadline.
Withdrawing Submissions
If the author has accepted an offer of admission from another journal, please sent an email to submissions@haclr.org. We reserve the right to reject withdrawings of submissions once the Scientific Value Committee has voted.
Offer of Publication
The Editor in Chief will contact potential authors by phone and/or email with an offer of publication. Once the author accepts HACLR’s offer, we expect the author to withdraw all other submissions.
Review Process & Timing
The American Comparative Law Review carefully considers all manuscripts and Notes that it receives. Please note, each piece is reviewed anonymously, at least four editors review every submission, and many pieces go through substantially more stages of review, including Scientific Value Committee, Preemption Check Editor's review, External Faculty Peer-Review Committee, and Editor in Chief final review. Although we make every effort to honor requests for expedited review, we do not omit any of our review stages in response to such requests. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. There is no best time to submit a manuscript to HACLR. We will never reject an article for lack of space; rather, we will hold it over for consideration by the next volume. We notify authors of our decisions by email and we do not discuss the reasons for our publication decisions.
Source Attribution Policy
HACLR aims to ensure that any ideas that already exist in the literature are properly referenced. We do not permit authors to repurpose sentences or paragraphs published elsewhere without quotation marks or citations. As part of our editorial process, we require quotation marks whenever a non-trivial amount of exact language has appeared in another source and citations whenever an idea has been paraphrased from another source — even if the source is the author’s prior work. The Review’s editors work with authors we publish to help them meet our self-citation requirements.